Monday, November 28, 2011

I promote peace , Simple is better

I promote peace , Simple is better , I promote understanding ,I promote understanding whyl problem solving for all

Go hard or go home sooner is better than later ,
^simple words that for funny reasons help like so many other simple words among simple things in a funny world,a funny universe,a funny reality  

I don't mis anything maybe i mis the thought of a serton future but there are many future,s to pick from

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just Stop

I cant stand racist's of any nationality or people who physically & mentally abuse people or people who abuse there power Contents islands like the world are supposed to be shared they are supposed to be free to come and go from for all people the term ( free country ) should be replaced with ( free world )People who abuse there power in any circumstances no mater who they are should be removed before they can cores anymore corruption of the greater good that others are doing So to all racists,abusers the corrupt all evil people leave me alone many see your lies and see your deception so just stop

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Wednesday, November 9, 2011 )( )(,,menuPK:7778074~pagePK:7778278~piPK:7778320~theSitePK:7778063~contentMDK:22851055,00.html?cid=EXT_TwitterWBPubs_P_EXT )( )( )( )