Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Helping each-other :)

If i spell something a serton way its because i spell it that way not shore how many people realize that there are different ways of spelling in diferent continents & culters so welcome to my version of universal spelling remember that next time u go to correct somone or me. Glad i got that on here thanks for taking time to read anything i say or click :)

P.S i don't do & havent done anything bad in my life no sins nothing if you cant understand that then i don't no how your breathing air its that simple weather im religious or note is my private bissness & everyone s private bissness is there private bissness amongst other things your privacy is your privacy myn is myn don't invade myn & i wont invade yours all i do in life is help in as many ways as possible not knowing the meaning of the term wrong so if you do wrong by me or anyone you do know wrong that means i don't no you because i choose to only no & be around good people that only do good things hope that is understandable enough having a great one in this life is one thing u can make shore u do all of your life so as corny as it sounds after speaking on something serious lets do it :)

This url thingy stuffs up sometime i say & sead sometimes because 90% or the time its good its mainly on phones maybe its just in serton areas ether way obvious i was trying to help it seams i have to forgive people for getting the wrong idea to off-ten if you get the wrong idea thinking im bagging out something your not very intelligent dont manipulate people to cover up something you do or have done wrong u will never find me hiding anything because i obviously have nothing to hide do you?so take respectability for your faults & stop trying to spread your lies about how good something is if its not or how bad something is if it is not don't cross the line & you wont get crossed simple to understand isn't it so the links that are in it are below at times they wont work ether depending where u are or if the internet is doing its monthly reset thing other wise someones messing with something & my email address is at the bottom :)

Email me at

Friday, August 19, 2011

One simplified Idea revolving around others to help&will help the world i think

I did not type serton parts of what came up just looked at it not long ago&noticed ether technology stuffed up or some one was trying to make me sound like an idiot ether way its corrected now i think thank you you could call them star rooms but i didn't type that funny stuff :)

I would like to see the wall less portable Internet stations all over the world&mobile phones to be able to give&receive what they need to run from these portable Internet stations&if more satellites are needed then id like to see enough satellites to cover the majority of the planet so that areas unreachable could use ancient communication purposes to give&receive information from these portable Internet stations&satellites for example the areas uncovered by these communication advances that are possible by ancient ways such as sending simplified printed versions of help full information by animals,foot,water,air u get the idea i no it might not sound like much but that's only one idea revolving around existing ideas remembering advancement comes from simplifying everything so as many can understand as easily as possible weather I'm really smart or not weather you are or not doesn't mater what maters is everyone can help making the world what it should be.

The portable Internet stations could be a drop of point for all help full things u can think of if this idea doesn't make seance let me no but that seams like the most simplified large impact idea i can think of at this point that i think could work&be done with very little effort compared to many things that may need attention but every idea is a step toward this world being the way it should be/the way we all want it to be.